
The private sphere is political! Find out about the latest developments and stories from politics and society.

Image: Noah Elio Weinmann - https://noah-elio.com/
Queerophobia plays a central role in right-wing election campaigns, including for the AfD. And yet homosexuality and right-wing extremism are not mutually exclusive. Cultural anthropologist Patrick Wielowiejski spent two years ethnographically following a group of gay members of the AfD. In his article, he sheds light on how essentialism is prioritised over emancipation and what lies behind the integration of homosexual people into the extreme right.
Hostile attacks: Interview with MANEO
The number of registered anti-queer offences is on the rise - in Berlin too. Manu Abdo spoke to Bastian Finke from the gay anti-violence project MANEO about the latest MANEO Report 2022, the significance of the figures and what you can do if you yourself become a victim of queer-hostile aggression.
How the compensation for §175 and §151 judgements works
At the Cologne office of the Bundesinteressenvertretung schwuler Senioren e. V., Jan Bockemühl advises people who want to apply for compensation for convictions under Section 175 (FRG) and Section 151 (GDR). According to estimates, 5000 people are still entitled to this. Our author Jörn Valldorf spoke to him and asked him for all the important information.
Conviction under §175: Klaus was compensated after more than 40 years
People who have been convicted under § 175 (FRG) or § 151 (GDR) have a legal right to compensation. In principle, an informal application is sufficient. However, the deadline for applying for such compensation is coming to an end. Applications can only be submitted to the Federal Office of Justice until 21 July 2022. Klaus S. found out for himself how this works and received a lot of support from BISS, the federal organisation representing the interests of gay senior citizens in Cologne.
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