HIV is an abbreviation for "human immunodeficiency virus". In concrete terms, this means: human immunodeficiency virus. It weakens the body's ability to fight pathogens. Without treatment, an HIV infection can lead to life-threatening illnesses after several years. This is known as AIDS. Today, AIDS can be prevented with HIV medication.
HIV can be transmitted when bodily fluids such as blood or semen that contain sufficient HI viruses get onto mucous membranes, wounds or directly into the blood. HIV is most frequently passed on during fucking without safe sex. In everyday life, however, HIV is not transmitted.
Shortly after infection with HIV, flu-like symptoms often occur. After that, nothing seems to happen for a long time. However, the virus continues to multiply in the body and weakens the immune system. Without treatment, serious illnesses occur after several years.
You can only find out if you are HIV-positive with an HIV test. If you know about your HIV infection, you can start treatment in good time. This enables you to live a long and good life. We therefore recommend that you get tested for HIV at least once a year.
Much has changed in the treatment of HIV in recent decades. Today, it is possible to lead a good and long life with HIV therapy. Nevertheless, there are still challenges. And there is support.
In addition to the tests offered by AIDS service organisations, health authorities, testing projects or doctors, there is also the so-called HIV self-test. Is it reliable and where can you get it? We answer the important questions.
Today, it is recommended to start HIV treatment as early as possible. The medication keeps HIV so well in check that the virus can no longer be passed on during sex, whether with or without a condom. Those who start treatment in good time have an almost normal life expectancy with a good quality of life.
A lot of research is being carried out in the field of HIV - for example on a cure. However, this is not expected in the near future. New studies on an HIV vaccine give new hope - but here too it will take some time. When it comes to HIV therapy, research is also continuing in order to make the drugs even better.
Many gay men wonder whether there is a risk of HIV during oral sex. However, even if semen enters the mouth during blow jobs, the risk is extremely low. There are only a few known cases worldwide of HIV infection through oral sex. There is no HIV risk for the person giving the blow job.
The HI virus (HIV) weakens the immune system, i.e. the body's own defences. In the worst case scenario, serious illnesses occur after some time. This is known as AIDS. Thanks to good medication, AIDS can now be prevented. With effective HIV therapy, you can lead a good and long life.

What is HIV? What is AIDS?

The HI virus was discovered in 1983 and identified as the cause of Aids in the same year. This video explains what HIV does in the body and when we start talking about AIDS.


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We offer various counselling services. Whether online, by phone or in a live chat: experienced and trained counsellors are available to answer all your questions about HIV, STIs, chemsex and mental well-being. You can seek help from the anti-discrimination centre if you have experienced discrimination due to your HIV infection.
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